Explore Our Retreats

About BEE You! Retreats
BEE You! retreats are a safe space for self-reflection, where you focus on you, exploring self via different themed experiences in a space away from your daily norm. You have time and space to unwind, rest and recharge. You can focus, mould your aspirations, develop and commit to your vision.
Engage in solo, pair and group activities as you desire. There is no pressure – you decide. Breathe and listen to yourself, hear and do what feels right. You can journal, meditate, relax, pamper, be active, rest, be creative, feel inspired. Just do you and BEE You! Focus and think things through at the retreat and leave ready to BEE. BEEing leads to the right kind of doing for you and your fulfilled life. You will be refreshed, rejuvenated and revitalised, ready to make positive changes and live the life that you desire and deserve.
BEE You! Retreats embrace a range of activities, with offerings that include personal development, arts for wellbeing, interactions with local culture, history and tradition, alongside physical movement, rest, rejuvenation and a range of practices such as dance, yoga, fostering self-compassion, meditation and journaling. We remain open to new experiences. Each retreat offers its own refreshing blend of nourishing sessions, collaborating with a sisterhood of practitioners. BEE You! Retreats hold space for you to be/BEE; this is key.
Come and BEE You! at one of our retreats. Jackie is pleased to welcome you.
BEE You! - Brilliant, Excellent, Exceptional You!

What Our Retreat Attendees Had To Say
Our Bee You Retreats have been a wonderful success.
Jackie is thoughtful, and challenges you in a way that feels nurturing and supportive.
Amazing! Not having known Jackie prior to the retreat, I didn't know what to expect. I have not ever met a coach who I respect more for her guidance, support for introspection, thoughtful inquiry, and effective facilitation of a group in ways that created space for each individual.
Extremely eye opening, those sessions have allowed me to look at life and purpose from a completely new lens as well as incorporating thought experiments and practices into my daily routine. I could not recommend Jackie enough.